Individual Package..
We cater and swiftly deliver to cooperate bodies who still what Dab Exalt foods & events experience. 20packs is the minimum we can...
Tapas Service
We can have a collection of delicious appetizers at mini stations or have a combination, and present them to each guest...
We Explore to cater for small budget
Dab Exalt foods explore to cater for slims budget and still deliver a surprise box worth a whole lot more that its value. GM BRUNCH...
Dab Exalt foods & events Special
French fries Chicken n' crispy batter and fried Irish potatoes with Mini Burger serves with Tomatoes Ketchup
Relax and Enjoy...
We would love to cater this for you. will cook and fry on site, set up buffet style and keep the food hot and fresh while our friendly...
Private Chef Service
Dab exalt foods & events can accommodate any special dietary requests and available to be hired by clients and prepares meal in the...
We Offer Professional small chops training. We are impacting and that sounds more proffesional #Recipe
The mission is simple: serve delicious, affordable food that guests will love!
The mission is as simple as A.B.C; To serve affordable but rich in superior quality healthy tastes throughout..